Speak Your Dreams Out Loud!


One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in recent years was in learning to speak my truth and my dreams out loud. I’ve found this helpful for several reasons, namely:

  1. It gets me out of my head, and helps me connect to my heart.

  2. What I say out loud has an inherent BS meter, so it can help validate my truth.

  3. What I say out loud has a stronger vibration. Things kick into gear and become more real simply by saying them out loud.

I needed a reminder of this lesson this week when I was struggling with writing. I have 3 blogs that are partially written, but I haven’t been able to get the complete thought out on of any of them yet. This sometimes happens with writing, but I was getting worried about getting the next blog out in time.

After a few days of this, I thankfully remembered to try speaking my thoughts out loud to see what wanted to come out. And, as grace would have it, a whole new story came through.

Speaking what I wanted out loud was not an easy thing for me to learn. In my early years of studying relationships, I KNEW I wanted a deep, committed relationship. But I had a hard time claiming it as my dream... I seem to think that I needed to ‘deserve’ it first, or have it feel like a real possibility, before I’d say it out loud. I didn’t want to be seen (even to myself) as a failure if I didn’t achieve this dream.

It was even more challenging for me to say that I really wanted to get married. That just seemed like a pipe dream, considering my relationship history. Who was I to dream this, when I didn't date much, and the relationships I did have lasted 6 months or less?

Nevertheless, in several of the courses I had over the years, I had to speak what I wanted out loud. This often happened in pair shares, with someone who didn’t know me, so that I was a gentle start.

Eventually, I felt comfortable admitting what I truly wanted, and I learned to share it with trusted friends.

As I got serious with manifesting my soulmate, I definitely admitted what I wanted. I was still uncomfortable saying it out loud, but I worked it at it and it paid off!

I kept working at it, because I had learned in my spiritual studies that speaking dreams and spiritual truths out loud creates a higher vibration. The information just doesn’t sit in the brain. Our heart hears it when we speak out loud, and it activates every cell in our body. Not only does our body hear it, the Universe hears it. This is a stronger form of intention setting.

My biggest challenge in this area came when I took the prayer warrior class at Agape International Spiritual Center. That class changed everything. (I believe this story will be helpful whether or not you believe in God or prayers.)

This class was taught by Rev. Victoria Thomas. She's the real deal. Her teaching style is the perfect combination of loving, enlightened, and challenging.

As an assignment for this class, I had to learn to speak affirmative prayers out loud, every day, plus several times each week in class and with my prayer partner. This was terrifying! And it was completely transformative.

To do this effectively, I had to surrender my logical brain to allow my intuitive heart let the words flow. Right there, on the spot, in the face of all my doubts and fears.

Speaking these prayers of gratitude, and speaking the truth about oneness, love, grace, power, and abundance was completely liberating.

It turns out, I could do this because my heart knows the truth. My heart knows what to say. Speaking these words out loud opened up the channels and let by brain learn what my heart already knows.

What we say, to ourselves and in what we put out into the Universe, matters. Words matter. We are always manifesting something. We might as well be conscious and speak what we want.

Try this for yourself! I promise you, it will feel different than just thinking your desires in your head. 

If this makes you uncomfortable, I GET IT! It does feel awkward at first. I encourage you to try it anyway. Try it where no one can hear you. If you live with other people, try speaking out loud by yourself in the car. (Try this before or after you drive, so you can really focus and be present to the feeling in your body.)

Some things you may say out loud are:

  • I am ready to meet my soulmate!

  • I deserve love because I am loving and lovable!

  • I am beautiful, just as I am.

  • I am really grateful for _____________.

  • My biggest dream is _____________.

Come up with a mantra that is customized just for you that includes gratitude, your deepest desires and how worthy you are to receive this life blessing. Try saying this out loud for 30 days, and see if you feel different walking through the world.

If you have someone you trust who holds space for your dreams, you may try speaking this aloud to them too. Just make sure you choose wisely.

I am ALWAYS happy to be a witness to your dreams. I believe you have everything you need within you to have a life full of love and blessings and will happily hold space for you to reach your heart’s desires. You may send me a private message if you don't want to make it public.

I’d love to hear what you think of this challenge. Does it seem crazy to you? Have you tried it? Let me know in the comments below.

Speak your truth, follow your heart, and know that you deserve the life and love your soul craves. I'm cheering you on every step of the way.

Love and light,



Emotional Bravery


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