How to Make Room for Love

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When I was single, I wondered how I would make space in my life for my soulmate once he came into my life. I’ve often had a pretty demanding schedule, and it was hard to imagine how I would reduce or eliminate any of the obligations I’d incorporated into my life.

But as I continued to do the work to manifest my beloved, I discovered that what I really needed was to make room for him energetically. I needed to create more space in my beingness to make it easier for us to find each other.

What do I mean by this?

I’m talking about what occupies our energy, our thoughts, and, to some degree, our time. Shifting and re-prioritizing these areas can make a huge difference in love manifestation. It also makes a difference in your energy level. Here is something to consider:

What we focus on, expands!

You are reading this blog, so that tells me that you do focus some energy on creating love in your life. Yay! That’s really awesome!

But I wanted to write today's blog in case, like many women (and some men), you have been conditioned to expend a lot of energy on other people and leave little room for yourself.

Many things can be demanding our energy. This can be our job, our family, social obligations, even our volunteer work. They can be things that we love and things that we dread.

No matter how wonderful your energy demands are, it’s important to notice if the amount you focus on them drains you or energizes you. Anything that drains your energy and consumes much of your thoughts throughout the day warrants a closer look.

Because here’s the thing:

The choice is ours how much energy we give to people, places and things. We always have a choice.

You may be thinking, “Wait a minute. You haven’t met my boss.” Or “This is just the way my family is. They will never expect less of me.” Or “My career/family/passion is really demanding and I’m the ONLY one who can keep it going!”

Trust me, I really get it. There have been many situations in my life where I didn’t think I had the room to say no. And I still struggle with feeling like I’m the only one capable of fixing everything around me. 

But I have been learning that just because I think that way doesn’t make it true. I'm learning to trust that maybe it doesn't all have to be up to me.

We are all worthy of time and energy that is just for ourselves. We all deserve space to imagine and feel into our dream life.

So, what’s the solution?

It all starts with learning to focus on ourselves and making space to create what we want:

  • It’s in learning to value your time and energy such that you learn to set boundaries, a little at a time.

  • It’s in learning to focus on your needs, not from a place of selfishness, but from the realization that a happy and healthy you is way more helpful than an exhausted, resentful you.

Learning to set boundaries on our energy is not something we can expect to master overnight. It can be scary to say no to people we love and respect in our lives. And it can be scary to focus time and energy on our deepest wants and desires, because it feels vulnerable.

This an ever growing process, so I recommend starting small. Here’s a few ideas:

  • Think of one thing each week that you could incorporate into your life that has you feel love and joy. Carve out this time for you! When you are in this loving space, energetically tune in with your soulmate. Let them know you are creating space for them and let that love grow in your body.

  • Really consider each request that is asked of you and consider saying no to something that will drain your energy. Try saying no to ONE small request, and notice how much space that creates.

  • If a no isn’t a reasonable option, see if there is room for a renegotiation. Can you have more time to complete the task?

  • Fight the urge to be apologetic in asking for what you need. Simply saying you need it for your energy is a great reason.

Congratulate yourself on each baby step you take! It's not easy to make changes, but each step you take will have you feel lighter and more open.

I believe that if you have an intention for your soulmate, that they will find you no matter what. But our humanness can get in the way and slow down the process. Every step we take to remove these blocks helps speed up the process.

While you're here, be sure to download the 10 Steps You Can Take Right Now to Manifest Love. This step by step guide gives you structure and helps you stay perfectly on track straight to your soulmate!

Take time for yourself. Make room for creating the life of your dreams. Know that when you take time for joy and happiness, we are all better for it.

Thank you for being you.

Love and light,



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