You Deserve Love


Hello!  Welcome to my first blog post!  It almost feels like this goes without saying that we deserve love.  But I have discovered that it is very important to say it.  Out loud.  Often.  I believe love is our inherent birthright.  I know it doesn’t necessarily feel that way to many people.  A lot of us got a lot of mixed messages regarding love.  And some people didn’t receive enough love, or weren’t loved the way that they needed, growing up.  Even with all of that, love is our very essence – it’s in our core.  Love is the way we come into the world.  We all thrive with love and suffer without it. Love is the only thing that truly heals.

So, how do we learn to receive love, or surround ourselves with more love to receive?  As cliché as it might sound, it all starts with healing ourselves and increasing our self love.  Now if you’re anything like I was a few years ago you might be thinking, “Wait a minute, I’ve already done this work. I love myself a lot!  I think I’m fine; I’m just not meeting the right people!” I hear that.  I honor any and all work that has already been done.  And… I don’t believe we ever actually “arrive” at healing.  There always seems to be more work to do.  It would be a really boring life if we ever stopped growing.

I have found that the more I focus on loving myself, the more I attract loving people around me. This has consistently been true for me throughout my life, in both friendships and romantic relationships. As I continued to grow in self love, I started meeting some of the most amazing humans!  My friendship base soared, not just in quantity, but even more importantly, in quality.  Trusting and experiencing this love in my life, even when it wasn’t romantic, helped build the muscle to trust and experience true love romantically.

There are many wonderful ways to love ourselves.  You can write a daily gratitude list, meditate, pray, read daily inspirations, take baths, get massages, call a friend when we’re sad, call a friend when we’re happy, do yoga, exercise in any way that feels good, take naps, do something creative, take a class on anything that excites us.  Anything that allows us to heal and grow is self-love (including reading a blog like this, so YAY YOU!).  (Download 10 Steps You Can Take Right Now to Manifest Love! from the form on this page to use as a daily guide to build self-love.)

And, most importantly, BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF!  This is where I needed the most work.  I’ve always been in a hurry, to fix everything and heal the problem now! I’ve judged myself for not getting things fast enough or repeating mistakes.  It’s important to try your best to calm those negative thoughts.  It is my wish that our continued work together will help replace the negative thoughts with positive ones.

Know that I am on this journey with you.  You are not alone.  Doing this work WORKS.  You deserve and can absolutely have deep, romantic, sweet, passionate love with your soulmate!  If you have this desire, that is the universe’s way of coaxing you to follow your heart.  Stay on the path, stay in the love, and you will find it.


Honor and Protect Your Journey to Love