Honor and Protect Your Journey to Love


As we approach the Thanksgiving Holiday and spend extra time with loved ones, it’s important to think about ways to stay grounded and on-course with this love journey. Doing this growth work for love is personal and vulnerable. It’s really important to protect the powerful and brave journey with which you’re embarking.Know that you are under no obligation to tell anyone. I’m not saying you can’t – but I am suggesting that you be discerning and carefully consider whom you share this journey with.There are a few reasons for this. For one, many humans tend to project their own feelings onto another person’s love life. This is especially true with those closest to us. They may feel protective of you, or feel that they know more than you because they’ve been through it all. Whatever the reason, it is not helpful to get unsolicited advice on “your chances at love, because of [insert statistic here]” or “you should really look for [insert other person’s desire for you here]” or “you should be happy that you’re single because of [insert reasons you ‘should’ want to stay the same here]” or any other tidbits that just don’t resonate with you. Ultimately, the expert on how you should do this journey is you. The journey that I’m proposing is about increasing your vibration and intuitive ability to have love come into your life more easily. Not everyone will understand that this is an inside job – but it really is! This is how spiritual law works. If this journey resonates with you, I suggest you only share it with people who have an open mind, who love you AND who give you space to make your own intuitive decisions.A second thing to consider is that people who want consistent updates can be less than helpful. My journey in finding love did not have me moving in one consistent, straight line. There were times that I was feeling strong, on fire and being very active in this process. And there were times that I was more tender and introverted. During those tender times, I continued to do the inner work, because it helped me to stay hopeful and moving in the right direction. But we don’t have to push ourselves beyond what feels right for our self-care. One of the benefits of not telling many people that you are taking on this journey is that less people ask about it. And that can be a good thing. When I’m feeling tender and introverted, I don’t want well-meaning people prodding me or encouraging me to “get out there”. It might not be the time for me to get out there! Know that the inner work is way more important than the external activities you pursue to find love. Your soulmate will find you, no matter where you are, and in perfect divine timing. (One of my most powerful teachers and mentors, Kathryn Alice, has a large collection of stories of people who met their soulmates while sitting at home. One client’s soulmate literally had a wreck in her yard. Another ended up marrying the guy who came to fix her printer!)All of this being said, there may be some of you who happily tell everyone in their life that they are looking for love, and they feel completely supported in the process. If that’s you, that’s fantastic! But I know that is not the case for everyone. If you have supportive friends who love you, but you only want to talk about this occasionally, then let them know that. It’s a gift to let people know how they can support us.I found that I became quieter and more discerning the deeper I got into this journey. In part, that was because I could start to “feel” my husband more strongly shortly before we met. I believed this to be true (and it was!), but I didn’t want people doubting me or calling me too woo woo. So, I was selective. The dear friends who supported me through that time were (and are) the biggest fans once I found my husband.Our intuition is such a precious gift, and one that we can harness and expand. You have everything you need within you to fulfill this dream. This is a great time to journal, to imagine what you most want in your relationship, and only share with those who will hold space for that very dream to come true. Trust yourself, trust your intuition, and trust you are heading exactly where you need to be. I believe in you.I would love to hear your thoughts. In the comments below please tell me one thing you like to do that helps you feel supported and grounded?And, if you haven't already, sign up for email updates and get the download: 10 Steps You Can Take Right Now to Manifest Love! It's a step by step guide to building this muscle, a little bit every day.

Love and light,Catherine


You Are the Right Fit for Your Soulmate


You Deserve Love