You Are the Right Fit for Your Soulmate


You don’t have to try to fit yourself into a particular type of mold in order to meet your soulmate. As a matter of fact, it’s so much better if you don’t! I understand the tendency to self-doubt or think that you are too unique. I had that thought for a long time. I thought nobody was going to be able to accept how unusually blended I was. I had this side of me that deeply loved God, and had been spiritual from the time I was very young. There were various ways that side of me played out, through various churches and spiritual teachings. I also had this side of me that loved wildly artistic and creative people. I liked the side of me that being around them brought out. I started going to the Burning Man festival in 2003 and that greatly expanded my world. I started doing more and more international travel, and that, too expanded my world. I had many different interests in many different things, and this meant that I had quite a diverse assortment of friends.I loved having amazing friends that understood different parts of me, but for a long time I had this belief that nobody was going to be able to understand or accept all the parts of me. That nobody was going to be able to match how diverse my life was, how diverse my communities were. I was really worried that nobody would be able to fit into all of that. That was one of my biggest fears.Thankfully, through a lot of work with a lot of amazing teachers, I started to truly believe that my soulmate was truly out there, and that they were looking for ME too. Not some changed version of me. ME! I started to believe that they were going to love my unique qualities. That is one of the ways we were going to recognize each other!It took a little while before I was walking through the world truly believing my soulmate was out there. And, if I’m being completely honest, I still had moments of doubt up until it happened, but those moments became less and less. Building that muscle of belief was some of the most important work I did. It was really, really helpful. This may seem impossible, but I promise you this is something you can learn, and it can start today.The best way to start building this muscle is to start to communicate with them energetically. This may sound woo woo, but it’s really not that weird or complicated. This is about tapping into our intuition. The more we use our intuition, the more we understand it, and the more reliable it becomes. The way you communicate with your soulmate is up to you. You can write letters, journal a little bit each day, or simply tune in to feel them on a regular basis and say hello. Let them know you are thinking of them, and that you are doing this work to be ready for them when they arrive. I believe that our souls pick up on this type of communication, even though our human brains may not.When I started to do these exercises, I quickly had a feeling what my husband was like. Not his appearance, but his heart. His kindness. Our laughter. How I felt when I was with him. The qualities I felt were exactly accurate.There are two main reasons this exercise is really helpful. One, it helps make it all real. That is what’s most important. A part of you is starting to get to know each other now. The other reason this is important, is that it makes the journey prior to meeting much more fun!What would it feel like to walk through the world knowing, ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT A DOUBT that your soulmate was on their way to you. I want you to imagine the feeling of being POSITIVE! Try that on! Mediate on it.How does it feel when life gets a bit more difficult that you have that support system on its way? How does it feel when you go to a party or hang out with dear family and friends that you get to have the love of your life be a part of that?Let it excite you! Let yourself believe it! It may be scary, but you only need to try this for a couple of minutes at a time. Nothing bad will happen by allowing yourself to feel this way. This is increasing your vibration and helping your soulmate find you.One important note: Please make sure to see last week’s blog about Honoring and Protecting Your Journey to Love. Don’t share this work with people who won’t get (or criticize) what you are doing or won’t be supportive! If you need support, please feel free to ask questions in the comments section below, or email me from the contacts page.Another great benefit to this work is that it helped me lessen the personalization when dating. When I met somebody, and they weren’t a fit for who I was, it didn’t mean that they weren’t a lovely person to spend time with. It also didn’t mean there was there was nothing to get out of that meeting. But ultimately, if they couldn’t value all of my wonderful qualities, or I couldn’t truly value theirs, then they weren’t my soulmate. And that was ok! It was better to know that early and focus energy towards the real thing.I’m not saying that you have to share all of the same interests and passions. You will likely have some that differ from each other. What’s most important is that they support and accept you for who you truly are.When I did meet my soulmate, it was obvious I didn’t have to change. I didn’t have to hide who I was. This person was already right for me. I didn’t have to hide my creativity, or things that brought me joy. I didn’t have to hide my diversity. I didn’t have to hide my uniqueness.Becoming more and more of who you are gets you closer your soulmate! It helps them recognize you. Embrace who you are. Love who you are. All of your uniqueness, all of the things that make you wonderful, all of the things that make you quirky, all of the things that make you a little bit weird. There is a person walking around right now who is going to love you for that!  Yes, we all have to grow. But growing is when we expand into more of who we are, not less. The soulmate relationship feeds your soul and inspires creativity and joy.Your soulmate will get you. Even if they don’t share in the same passion, they will love that it lights you up. And they will love that you are unique and wonderful. I can’t wait to see it happen.I would love to hear how this resonates with you. Leave a comment below to let me know your thoughts.Love and light,Catherine


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Honor and Protect Your Journey to Love