A Creative Way to Call Forth Your Soulmate!


If you would like to share the love and connection with your future soulmate at this very moment, write them a letter and start communicating with them today! Opening your heart and writing your intuitive feelings immediately gets you into the accelerated flow of manifestation, and it's a great Valentine's intention!

I wrote several letters to my soulmate before we met, which got me into the perfect feeling tone of excitement and anticipation. I love to go back and look at those letters now. It’s great confirmation that all of the feelings were accurate, and that manifesting love works!

Here is what I firmly believe:

If you are feeling pulled towards a soulmate relationship, then you are meant to have it!

Our dreams are within us for a reason! Our souls are giving us clues for us to follow to achieve our dream life. Your soulmate is out there at this moment, and you can connect on an energetic level anytime you choose.

Use this letter as a guide to begin your conversation. Take what works for you, delete what doesn’t, and add your specific dreams. The most important point of this exercise is to feel into the love, the joy and the wonder that your soulmate relationship will bring you.

Dear Soulmate,

Hi there. I’m turning within to connect with you, to feel you more clearly. It makes me happy to feel you out there, living and breathing, and walking around. I smile, knowing that we are walking towards each other.

My heart is expanding as I speak this. I am ready for you, and I am excited! I feel this love expanding through my whole body. My heart leaps for joy! What an amazing feeling.

This is real! This is really real! You are out there, and I am calling out for you, and I willingly receive your call out to me. My heart is fluttering. I’m not holding back on feeling any of these emotions, because I know that those feelings just make my soul call louder!

I am really looking forward to....

One thing I really love about you is....

Thank you, love, for coming into my life! I am so excited to meet you, and I can’t wait to see our lives unfold together.

My heart is brimming with love!

Forever yours,

Read this letter, ideally out loud, as often as you can. You may update the letter as often as you like, but remember that the feeling tone is more important than the specific details.

I am wholeheartedly supporting you on this journey. You have everything you need within you to radiate and bring forth the love of your life.

Remember this:

You are beautiful, divine being and your love is a powerful tool of manifestation.

Shining your light and moving into the divine partnership of your dreams is not only a gift for yourself, but it is a gift for the world. The world needs love, in all forms, now more than ever. We can never have too much love.

Thank you for shining brightly!

Love and light,


Manifest Love With Love Actions!


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