Manifest Love With Love Actions!


When I first started studying relationships, I thought that love was something people either “got” or “didn’t get”. It was something to try to acquire.

There’s a lot of focus in our society, in movies and in television that shows falling in love as the thing to acquire, and if we just get this thing, it will solve all of our problems.

While I will acknowledge that Falling in Love IS magical, I think it helps to have a better understanding of what love is and how love works.

Through all of my years of studying love, this is what I’ve come to believe:

  • Love as a NOUN is what we’re made of. We’re born with it and it’s a part of us always. We naturally feel and express from this place of love as a child. Unfortunately, as a result of hurt and trauma, many of us start to cover this love from ourselves and others. The good news is, as soon as we start to heal and focus on love again, this love right there waiting for us.

  • Love as a VERB is a choice. We always have the choice to express love or not express love. The more we take action toward love, the more love we feel and the more love we will see manifested in our lives. This is true, even when the people we love don’t always respond the way we wish they did. We can learn to love without conditions. Let me be absolutely clear, that I am NOT saying that loving without conditions means that we love without boundaries! We must pay attention to our own needs, and boundaries can be a form of self love.

Wayne Dyer had this to say from studying the work of Dr. David Hawkins:

One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of optimism and a willingness to be nonjudgmental of others will counterbalance the negativity of 90,000 individuals who calibrate at the lower weakening levels

So, how do learn to love this way? Take Love Actions!

You can start doing this today and it will have an immediate impact.

Love actions can happen in any of the following categories. These forms of love overlap, they influence each other, and they all lead to more love in our lives. It’s good to try on ALL of these categories, as some of these will come naturally, and some may require a bit more focus:

Love Actions By Category:

  1. Self love - Tell yourself that you love you each and every morning. Say this to your body and to your heart. Write down something that you love about yourself each day. Come up with a different answer for 2 weeks. (Self-love is listed as #1 because it is truly the foundation of how well we love others.)

  2. Friend and family love - Write a list of people you appreciate in your life, and tell them, one by one, how they positively impact your life and the world.

  3. Romantic love - Write a letter to your soulmate. Write a list of qualities that you feel your soulmate inhabits.

  4. Community love - BE OF SERVICE! Do a volunteer day in your community. Make an effort to smile and say hello to strangers. When service people have a name badge, use their name when thanking them. If they don’t have a badge, ask them their name. Initiate small chats with people on the street or waiting in line. People are often grateful for the break in silence (but read you audience).

  5. Humanity love - Spend some time educating yourself on people who are different from yourself. Listen to their stories, both good and bad. Try to listen from their point of view.

I promise you, if you take several of these love actions, you will feel a difference in your life! Our relationships with other people are very closely linked with our relationship to love.

And here’s the even better news:

Focusing on these love actions will bring the love you desire into your life!

But, contrary to what you may have been told in movies and magazines, it won’t be because you played some game or wore a certain outfit.

It will be because you stepped into your love superpower and manifested it yourself.

You are so powerful! Share that love. Light up the world and manifest your dream relationship in the process!

Love and light,



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