Love Manifestation 101


In my previous blogs, I’ve talked about the foundational aspects of manifesting love, such as:

As I’ve mentioned, I believe the inner work is the most important aspect of manifesting the love of your life. But there is a combination of inner work and outer work that goes together. Here are some exercises you can try to manifest love:

  1. Make a list of qualities you really desire in your mate, but remain open. This is important! While it’s good to declare what you want in a partner, it’s equally important to be open to wonderful qualities in your soulmate you have never even thought of! A good mantra to go by is “This, or something better!” Know that you deserve someone that is a great fit for you, and be open to surprises!

  2. Determine what you absolutely must have, and absolutely do not want in your relationship, and stick to that. Write these down, and use this criteria when you date. Find out quickly if they hold to this standard, and if they do not, move on! This is totally where the self love worth deep dive comes in.
    If you choose to do online dating, set the parameters so you don’t get matched people who aren’t what you want. I realize this may mean a few less dates. That is ok! It is better to date well than it is to hang on to wrong matches. It is important to show yourself and the Universe that you are serious about finding the love of your life, not just someone to pass the time. This not only weeds out the wrong fit, but it speeds up the process of finding the real thing because it makes room for them to show up. Honoring this process is a true act of self love, and it will help build esteem and self-worth. Remember that you deserve nothing less than your soulmate!
    Before I met my husband, I had these must-have qualities written down: I wanted someone who was kind, emotionally available, and would be willing to grow with me spiritually. These were important to me. Did I question whether I’d find this? At times I did. But I stuck to my guns and it paid off!

  3. Communicate with your soulmate in some way each day. This can be a journal, or an inner dialog. This will help this feeling become more and more real.

  4. Imagine your ideal future relationship and take steps to incorporate that now. What are some things you would like to do together? Where would you like to hang out? Who are the people you’d most like to hang out with? Consider what actions you can take now that could help manifest that reality. If there is an interest you would love to share together, go to places where you can meet those people. IMPORTANT: While it’s wonderful to feel optimistic about meeting your soulmate whenever you go out (and the holidays can be a great time to meet people!), it’s important to not be overly attached to any single moment as the make-or-break moment. There is no such thing. This applies to dating as well. Try not to put pressure on any single date. I know this can be hard, but here’s what I want you to know: YOUR SOULMATE CAN’T MISS YOU AND YOU CAN'T MISS THEM!
    When the time and the person is right, you will know it!!! It will show itself beautifully. You don’t need to force anything. We can’t control the exact moment that our soulmate comes into our lives. But we can do the work to clear the path the wide open. And we can find love, joy, hope and happiness in our life right now! These things DO make a difference in how quickly love can manifest.

  5. BE BRAVE AND CLAIM WHAT IT IS YOU WANT!!! Start to say these things out loud to yourself. If you have a trusted, very supportive friend, start to say these things out loud to them. Saying things out loud makes them more real. I get that it can be hard or vulnerable to say it out loud. That’s why I’m asking you to do it. It helps build that muscle that this is real, and you deserve it!!!

For a more in-depth, detailed guide on how to manifest love, sign up for email updates and get the 10 Steps You Can Take Right Now to Manifest Love!


The Light Resides in You


Take a Self-Worth Deep Dive