The Light Resides in You


On this day where many celebrate Christmas, and the recent celebration of Hanukkah, I’m feeling the warmth and comfort of all the light that surrounds us. Light is an integral part of so many traditions; it is a beacon to our true nature.

We are drawn to the light, because we are the light. We are made of the same particles as stardust. This is not just a Joni Mitchell lyric… we are literally made of stardust! This feels significant, because it’s a reminder that we have everything we need inside of us to shine brightly! We don’t need to get our light from other sources, and we don’t need permission to shine!

My friend, Ben Caron, has a beautiful song called "The Light Resides in You", which is perfectly stated. Being in the light is our birthright just as much as being in the love. We are born this way. Our human experiences may have clouded our brightness. But the light is always there, nevertheless.

Shining our light is not the striving for perfection or expecting happiness all of the time. Perfectionism is not our light. True light comes from letting ourselves live authentically. From speaking from our heart, from acknowledging that we have gifts for the world, and letting ourselves give those gifts.

You may be asking, what does any of this have to do with manifesting my soulmate? Here’s my answer: The more authentically you live, the more you give yourself permission to shine your light, the more easily your soulmate will find you. The real you. Let them see your light, right from the beginning. Two people standing together, shining their lights, is a gift to the world.

Do what you love. Find what brings you joy. Surround yourself with those who support and encourage you to shine. If these resources aren’t coming to you easily, please get help in finding them. There are so many brilliant resources out there.

The more we all shine, the more we can all see clearly. We need you. I need you. Thank you for being you, in all of your glory.

For those who celebrate, have a very Merry Christmas. And thank you, everyone, for the light and love you bring to the world. We are all better for it.



Intentions, Not Resolutions


Love Manifestation 101